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Accessories for Satellite Station GSP-2900 of Fixed-line communication
- Combined data transmission cable
- The controller-the indicator of a satellite network
- RS232-422 adapter for data cable extension
- Power supply SSL40-7612 (universal), 220V/12V, 3A
State and government establishments
Representatives of the state bodies often leaving in regions of the country where there are no terrestrial kinds of communication.
Country power structures
The employees of power structures providing legality and an order in places where there is a danger of failure of any kinds of terrestrial communication.
Air, marine and river fleet
The staff of air, marine and river fleet of Kazakhstan, making flights to areas where are absent services of terrestrial kinds of communication
Mlitary various branches of the armed forces
The soldiers performing antiterrorist operations, protection of border and objects in deaf and hard-to-reach places.
Structures on liquidation of Extreme Situations and techno genic accidents
The specialized state structures participating in liquidation of extreme situations and techno genic disasters in places where absent, or destroyed terrestrial kinds of communication.
Exploration and archaeological expeditions
The staff of the exploration and archaeological expeditions conducting search of deposits and research in deaf and uninhabited places
Tourists, travellers and climbers
Hunters and fishers.
Monitoring Systems of mobile objects
Monitoring of all kinds of mobile objects in deserted, or the remote and hard-to-reach places (special vehicle, the railway, small aircraft and other).