Tuesday, 03 December 2013


Dear partners of the company!

Joint-Stock Company "GlobalTel" informs about the beginning of carrying out of the short-term pre-new Year's program «New offers of Joint-Stock Company "GlobalTel".

By the autumn of this year company Globalstar, Inc has finished updating satellite grouping system of global mobile personal satellite communication Globalstar. Satellites of new generation are counted for work during the subsequent 15th years that allows to provide granting services of the most reliable and high-quality mobile satellite communication not less than till 2027

Therefore, on the threshold of New Year the Joint-Stock Company "GlobalTel" offers to the own subscribers and all interested persons to convince in high quality of given services of satellite communications on new absolutely incredible conditions!

Only at December, 2013:

- Cost of modern satellite phone Qualcomm GSP 1700 will be 975 USD!

- Connection under standard, European and corporate tariff plans is carried out FREE OF CHARGE!

- Connection cost under tariff plans «Standard 280» «Standard 280 stationary», «European 280», «the European 280 stasionar» and «the modem 280» is lowered to 30 USD!

     More details about conditions of carrying out this program possible to learn in Service of sales of Joint-Stock Company "GlobalTel"

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