Wednesday, 01 January 2014

Since January 1, 2014г. The Kazakhstan operator has begun rendering of services of the satellite mobile communication system Globalstar

   The Kazakhstan operator of a satellite mobile communication, "Argus Contact" Ltd, has begun rendering of services of the satellite communication system Globalstar since January 1, 2014.


As known, since 2006 within several years, the operator of satellite communication system Globalstar for some reasons, connected with satellite fleet, has been compelled to limit rending of services of a voice and data transmission that has led to the big breaks and duration of conducting satellite conversations, especially, in the European and Asian region. This circumstance has led to the big outflow of clients to other operators of satellite mobile communication Thuraya, Iridium and Inmarsat, and to occurrence of economic and financial problems at a number of local Globalstar operators.

To honour of company Globalstar, during such difficult period, it has found forces and financial possibilities during the period with 2011 for 2013 not only to restore completely satellite fleet at space at the expense of a takeout to an orbit of new satellites with considerably improved parametres and duration of the guaranteed work in an orbit till 2025-2027. In addition, to improve technical characteristics and reliability of work of the Globalsar system as a whole, thanks to modernisation of the land station equipment. Besides, these difficult years, company Globalstar is able to introduce new simplex products for monitoring of mobile objects and personal tracking of people in extreme conditions.

At the middle of 2013, 24 new satellites were launch to orbit in which the newest space technologies are realised and more powerful solar batteries are established, providing high power consumption onboard and long work in space.  

At the August 2013, Globalstar Company announced pleasant news about restoration of all spectrum of services in full, including a voice communication, data transmission and Internet connection in mobile phones, and packet data transmission in satellite modems. As has informed in interview Jay Monroe, company Globalstar is first-ever of all operators of a satellite mobile communication has put into orbit the second satellite generation and has created the advanced satellite network with high quality of given service

Thus, in Kazakhstan, the population and workers of various fields of activity had a fine possibility always to remain on communication in any place and at any time with Globalstar.


Ahmetov Zhenis -the director of "Argus Contact Ltd"

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